Your website can be a treasure trove of marketing insights, if you know where to look and what to look for. Using Google Analytics can be an effective way to craft a winning marketing strategy that can make web visitors’ experiences with your site more meaningful and translate into more sales. Award-winning digital marketing experts frequently leverage the filtering features Google Analytics provides to study where web visitors are coming from and what pages they may be entering on. Knowing this information is helpful in determining the overall effectiveness of your external marketing campaigns and pinpointing what online sources may be the best to market on for future initiatives.

Here’s an example of just how powerful Google Analytics can be for your marketing strategy.

Using filters to sort data. By categorizing your web traffic analytics, you can have a better understanding of what pages of your site get the most views as well as where web visitors enter your website. If you use the traffic source filter, built into Google Analytics, then you can clearly see your “referral based traffic”. This is traffic that comes from other sources, like Yahoo, Google and even social media outlets like Facebook and LinkedIn. 

Track where your customers are coming in from. It is important to have a good understanding as to which sites may be feeding potential customers to your site. If you find that most of your web traffic is from Facebook ads, or from your LinkedIn company page, this can be insightful information to help you in crafting future marketing efforts. If, however, your traffic often originates from a search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing, then you may want to explore search engine optimization and search engine marketing. 

Look for patterns in website traffic surges. You may receive a large number of new website traffic after a new promotion is launched on social media or if your company is featured in the news. It is key to look for both event-specific and seasonal fluctuations in your web traffic. For example, a B2C company may notice a large increase in web traffic after presenting or showcasing at a trade show. 

Find ways to capitalize on your web traffic. In the example of the B2C company, that has more traffic after attending a trade show, there are a few ways they can maximize their web traffic. Since many of the web visitors may have attended a past trade show, they could add special wording to their homepage welcoming trade show attendees, informing visitors of the next trade show, or even offering a special “trade show” promotion. This way they are able to boost attendance at their next event and seamlessly increase their conversion rate by updating their website to better fit their incoming web traffic.

The key to making the most of your web traffic is to understand more about your audience’s interaction with your website. Knowing how they land on your page and from what referred source can be powerful information to help you better position your marketing campaigns to get the biggest bang for your buck. If you’re interested in doing a complete website traffic review or want to install Google Analytics on your site, then contact the web development and marketing consultants at Snowball Creative Group today.